
The Importance of the Beacon Equipment for Cell Line Development: A Biotimize Exclusive in Brazil

Cell line development is a critical step in the production of biopharmaceuticals, especially in the manufacturing of therapeutic proteins like monoclonal antibodies. This process involves selecting and cultivating cells capable of producing the desired protein in large quantities and with the highest quality. The efficiency of this development directly impacts the time, cost, and success of the final product’s production.

In this context, Biotimize stands out as the only service provider company in Brazil to offer the Beacon, a cutting-edge piece of equipment developed by Berkeley Lights. The Beacon uses optofluidic technology, enabling the precise and rapid selection and analysis of individual cells. This represents a revolution in cell line development, offering unmatched advantages to our clients.

One of the main benefits of the Beacon, in addition to ensuring monoclonality, is its ability to efficiently find clones that excel in three critical areas: cell growth, productivity, and protein quality. Instead of relying on traditional methods, which can be time-consuming and less accurate, the Beacon accelerates this process, allowing the identification of the most promising cells in a matter of days.

Selecting clones that grow better and produce more protein is crucial for ensuring manufacturing efficiency in biopharmaceutical production. Additionally, the Beacon stands out by helping identify clones that produce proteins of the highest quality, which is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of biological treatments. This precision in clone selection results in a more economical process, reducing development time and, consequently, the costs of producing the final product.

With the Beacon, Biotimize offers a solution that reduces cell line development time from months to weeks, while also optimizing productivity and product quality. This innovation positions Biotimize as a leader in biotechnology in Brazil, providing our clients with a competitive edge that can accelerate the time-to-market of new treatments.


By choosing the Beacon, biotech companies in Brazil gain access to cutting-edge technology that not only improves the efficiency of cell line development but also helps reduce costs and enhance the quality of biopharmaceuticals. This directly impacts the ability to democratize access to innovative therapies, making them available faster and at more affordable prices.

If your company is seeking excellence in biopharmaceutical development, Biotimize, with the Beacon equipment, is the ideal partner to turn your ideas into reality.


Rigorous company in relation to the general data protection law (LGPD)

Biotimize - Biotechnology as a Service is committed to complying with the laws that protect the privacy of the data of its employees, partners and the general public.
See how we deal with the information collected:

What are the data types? Personal data:
”Information related to the identified or viral person”, for example: first name, last name, date of birth, personal documents, home or business address, telephone, email and IP address.

Sensitive Personal data:
These are the data that refer to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature. Sensitive personal data as well are those related to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data.

What data does our Company collect? Our company handles data from employees, partners and service providers, being duly compliant with the LGPD.
On the website, the company collects data through the voluntary and consensual completion of forms, e-books and contact to receive the newsletter.

Is there automatic data collection? Biotimize - Biotechnology as a Service does not automatically collect data in each access to the website.

How do they use my data? The personal data provided by users who fill in the forms are used solely to provide feedback at the user's request (individual or legal entity interested in our company's products and services).
Once the service is completed, such data is deleted.

Have you got any questions? Talk to the Data Protection Manager (DPO) by email:
You will be able to clarify doubts related to the processing of personal data.